I was just stopped at a red light and a bum was there. I was at the intersection of Westheimer and Voss. I didn’t read his sign, I just rolled down the window to give him my spare change. Usually, when I do this, the guy will talk to me for some reason. I said “you’re welcome” when he thanked me and his eyes kind of lit up and he said “You have a lovely voice!” I said thank you and smiled real big, and he smiled in return. I bet he hasn’t smiled that big in a long time; his teeth were not in the best shape and he kind of covered his mouth a little but continued to smile. Then, he came back and asked me to roll down the window again. I did, and he said “That voice would sound funny on me!” And we both laughed. Since he was a gruff sounding, middle aged White dude and I am me, I’m sure it would be funny if we switched voices. But it was nice to share a laugh, give away some spare change, and have an authentic interaction with a stranger. Maybe something like this will happen to you today, too. Happy Saturday, meat bags.